Revival of Theurgical Art

A. Rekunenko

What is Theurgical and Mysterial Art. Mysterial Art is the forebear of modern arts. Mysterial Art in the ancient epochs (Egypt, India). Mystery is the law of developing the subtle spiritual bodies of man, the Soul of humanity and, at the same time, the eternally unfolding Plan of evolutionary development of humanity and the other kingdoms in nature on the Earth.

Revelation cannot be interrupted. Different stages of Revelation. Role of art in giving Revelation out to humanity through Spiritual forces in different historical epochs.

Modern art of Revelation. Revival of ancient Mysteries during a new turn of evolutionary development in the epoch of Aquarius. Scientific and experimental approach to perception, recognition and registration of Revelation. The role of the different religious Holy sources in decoding Revelation at the new stage.

Spiritual significance, explanation of the main ideas represented in the paintings.

Educational role and significance of spiritual mysterial painting, purposeful influence of mysterial art on intensifying the subtle activity of the indwelling entity, the Soul; purification and rise leading to catharsis.

Theurgical art comes from Spiritual levels and has for its purpose rise of human soul, concentrated search for life purpose, applied purification of the personality, positive cultural and soul development of man. Spiritual mysterial art is one of effective means to help humanity to overcome the global crisis, to be renewed and to enter into the epoch of Aquarius, to become a Soul, a true Self of humanity.