On the heart and meaning of the dreaming experience in spiritual practices

(A.I. Rekunenko’s answers to the questions of adherents)

“For God does speak – now one way, now another –
though no one perceives it.
In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds”.
Bible. Job 33:14

Question: Tell us about the meaning of the dreaming experience in spiritual practices.

Answer: The Epiphany in one’s sleep is a known fact acknowledged in many religious and mystic traditions of East and West. Probably, most loudly the dreaming experience is described in the Holy Scripture – the Bible. As an example, the Gospel tells us that the Manifestation of the Savior appeared in dreams of the Magi. The Angel who informed the Magi about the intrigues of Herod the Great was also seen in their dreams. According to “the Acts” the Apostle Paul saw different dreams which appeared to be confessional and metaphysical feelings. It is also worth mentioning that the Laws tell us about dreams interpretation by Joseph. The divine dream of Jacob was of momentous importance as a dedicative experience when he saw the heaven-high ladder. The Angels used the ladder to make “ascensions and descensions”. It is accepted that the ladder provides the image of the ascension of a man to holiness. The Angel’s ladder had been inaugurating for the Consecrated to different religions for many centuries. Nowadays it is called in different ways: Jacob's ladder, Burning Bush, Sephirothic tree etc. In the Holy Scripture, the God through the dreams communes with the prophets, kings, and judges. As you see, the dreaming experience can hardly be overestimated.


Question: Is it correct to say that the dreams provide communication with Divinity by interaction with the Hierarchy of Teachers?

Answer: Sure.  Various encounters in dreams, revelations, and ordinations are planned by the Teachers. It is dreams that are one of the most important communication channels with the Teachers. For them meetings on the astral level are most preferable – it consumes less energy for both parties. Herewith, one ought to bear in mind that the dreaming storylines are highly metaphorical, accordingly often, the visage of the Teachers is associated with known word pictures in rare cases. Less likely, in night dreams one can meet a wiseman of oriental look – Mahatma wearing a brocade gown and a turban. As a rule, the Teachers take different transforms to transfer their Messages, and the transforms are identifiable and look familiar with images of friends and relatives. The information comes into the dream of an adherent in a coded manner. One can say that in this respect the dreams serve as a certain simulator for us to learn to have the sense of hearing vibrational sounds independently of visible forms, having sharpened yogi intuition up to razor blade sharpness. The interaction with the High Hierarchy in dreams solves several tasks. In some cases, we see the working out and the closure of certain karmic programs, assistance in settling any given issues, or training matters, and sometimes the doings of the Teachers have direct dedicatory nature. Of course, the interaction with the Teachers in dreams – is a result of great spiritual tributes, but to be capable of properly interpreting the Messages is the subject of specific spiritual competence. To see the High Ideas in a Message, one should spend years in permanent spiritual work; basic attainments such as astrology could serve as a starting point. Dreams are strongly connected with astrology. The Planets, interacting with each other, move in different orbits which for their part now interfere and now draw away from each other and thus, essentially influence the quality of dreams and their mystic storyline completeness.  My teacher – Ludmila Iakovlevna Reznik – is very great at astrology; once she told me about the following. She made a forecast using her birth chart for the soon coming days and saw an extremely negative sequence of events as of the lines of life and death. To avoid personal unintended effects she decided not to leave her home these days at all. In her surprise, the dramatic events occurred in her dreams. Then it became obvious for Ludmila that that was not an effective way to avoid karmic and planetary influences. Each planet has its own vibrational activity which in its way strongly influences our karma.  Only the Teacher through the Subtle World is capable of correcting unwelcome impacts if such exist. However, an adherent must always remember that the Teacher will come to his subtle level only if the adherent made the image of the Highest Guide the sacred subject, and bright ideals the purpose of his life.


Question: Why do you call the dreams testimonies and can the dreaming experience not be a testimony

Answer: Testimony – is a term that came to us from the high antiquity. When the essence of the dream is revealed and a Disposition of  Providence can be found in it, then the word “testimony” is used for its notation, and here we get the evidence of the fact that the world of subtle levels, heavenlike energy and the  Hierarchy of the Teachers truly exist. We recognize that the Divine World where we pass after the death is alive and complete, that our Path is endless and is not limited by the material form of existence. That is why the term “testimony” very precisely reveals the essence of what is happening in the dreaming experience of an adherent.


Question: What is the difference between the testimony of an adherent and the dream of an outsider if, for instance, their stories in dreams are completely identical?

Answer: All yoga is based on the identification of energetic vibrations. From where the message comes, what features it bears, how it interacts with other energetic structures – all of that requires careful attention. In spiritual science, such process of energy features identification is called psychometry. The concept of vibration sound is also applied for the identification. Such method of vibration identification confirmed by many years of using let us accurately determine the source and quality of energy. So even when we deal with the physical resemblance of the dream stories of an adherent and an outsider, the dissimilarities are evident.  Whether the “night dream” appeared to be the testimony, only skilled yoga can define. I repeat, dreams normally bear the coding, and here the identification science helps reveal the codes and determine the essence of the Message. That is why it is said in the Scripture: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. Solomon also wrote about the codes: “God’s glory – to cover the matters with mystery, and Kings’ glory – to examine the matters”. Many people who do not understand the meaning of this important truth and have no idea of coding the Messages, interpret the Holy Scripture in a twisted perception due to casual and literal interpretation of the mysterious and allegorical language often used for writing the text material. In this case, they will most likely consider the texts as a collection of fascinating stories of Jewish folklore, but the sacral truth hidden by the coding will not reach their mind at all. However, the mentioned misunderstanding of the Highest Message is natural not only to the humanity that entered the era of irrestrainable progress but was a common feature during Christ time.  For example, many adherents did not understand him when Jesus gave them one of the codes: “I am the bread which came down out of heaven!” The Scripture describes their reaction to the statement: “What strange words! How one can listen to them?” Moreover, the adherents, not understanding Jesus’s words, as is said further, lost faith: “Thereafter many of his adherents moved away from him and did not go with him anymore”. Here, for illustration purposes, we can recollect some examples of coding used in known biblical scenes. So, for instance, we read that Noah created wine, get drunk, and lay naked. The very fact of denuding – is a symbol of Liberation. Not for nothing the saying “Nude Veritas” exists. Often, the denudation code contains the very Truth. Noah’s denudation – is an immersion into God. His son – Ham, lacking capacity of identification, laughed at his father who at that moment was Heavenly Father, whereas two of his other sons behaved completely differently showing genuine signs of wisdom and decent respect. Generally, any strong drinks sawn in testimonies or experiencing inebriety – is the sound of “High code”. Remember, how during the Lord's Supper Jesus was taking wine with his adherents and upraised his cup saying: “This is my blood”. It is no coincidence that wine is used at Mystery of the Eucharist where wine is considered Christ’s blood. Christ also uses the wine code when he speaks about the necessity of the Transfiguration for acceptance of God's grace: “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins”. In a known story about Lot and his daughters, we face the inebriety code. Even the cave where Lot lives – is a code denoting God’s bowels. It is worth mentioning a known scene of water transforming into wine. The astral plan is associated with water that is why christening where the substance is used means the abstersion of an astral body. Hence - water transforming into wine; this is the code of moving to a higher level of Dedication.


Question: What do you think, is it necessary while interpreting the dreams to refer to universal codes revealed through holy writings or to own intuition?

Answer:  Maybe you’ll get surprised if I say that the dreaming testimony doesn’t need to demonstrate real scenes and have codes respectively; since in dreams an adherent can be placed in certain energy zones lacking any forms. One can simply stay on these levels, enjoy felicity or even endure since the Messages from the Teachers are not always positive. One can testify negative and unfavorable feelings. Sometimes the Teachers test us and provoke to bring to light our imperfections. And this is also a testimony that is rather from the category of endurance. One must always remember that Teachers train us through the dreams. The more discerning an adherent becomes the more difficult and complicated dream scenes develop. On a more advanced level, the tooling of classical codes doesn’t help precisely decipher the messages.  My teacher Ludmila Iakovlevna Reznik started with learning the codes accepted in different religious and mystical traditions, but in the course of getting new dedications and accumulating the Buddhistic energy, she began to conceive new codes going beyond the bounds of the consciousness, that summarized the experience of many esoteric generations. I repeat, that the skill in deciphering the messages can be achieved utilizing long-time spiritual efforts, and by far not every even advanced adherent will be able to interpret the testimonies correctly. Remember, as it is said in the Bible in the first epistle to the Corinthians: “… are all interpreters?” Sometimes in testimonies, some things can be shown vice versa and this can confuse. Well, for example, many Hindu Divines are taken in the West as something negative, and even Shiva is considered devil performance. What ignorance! Actually, Shiva – is the highest Godfather structure. Besides, all can be “interchanged” in the testimonies. The actual situation is identified only by psychometrics. The frequency of the vibration sound identifies “uninvited guests” who invade the astral plan. On a recent day, my adherent experienced Testimony when he communicated with a “fine creature” as it seemed. In a moment a suspicion crept into his mind whether the creature had good and faultless intentions, and then, just in the dream he decided to run a check: he asked the creature to articulate the sacred syllable “Om”. After that, the creature tried to comply with the request but instead of the sacred syllable it managed to force some kind of “abracadabra”. So, in such a way in the situation, one of the identification tools was used. By the way, in all traditions, where sacral mantras, prayers are used, creatures generated by the hell do not stand the vibration activity of sacred sounds and they die wasted by the Godly fire, like moths flying to the flame. The situation is very similar to what is happening to a man when the body is attacked by malicious bacteria or viruses, which die in large numbers at the body’s temperature increase. Warmth – is vibration  hyperactivity. Teacher Koot Hoomi uses water as an example for better understanding of the nature of such activity. The reduction of the vibration activity of the liquid immerses it in a tamasic state and turns it into ice, putting it roughly into the “hell zone”, and, vice versa, when the vibration activity rises the water becomes flexible, hot and, at the end, at reaching the hyperactivity of the particles – “ascends” turning into vapor.


Question: How the testimonies got in dreams influence your artistic creation?

Answer:  Paintings get inspired through testimonies, as a rule by a Teacher or the Angel of Presence. This is identified. Some mysteries are revealed, and the actualization of them can be found in image-bearing subjects represented in the Holy Scriptures, myths, legends, and epic literature. Afterward, the general conception of executing the mysteries is born which is transferred to the paintings. Sometimes a certain image appears all of sudden – like a stroke of lightning! Let us take as an example painting “Appearance of the God of Sabaoth”. His image occurred immediately - like a flashing light ! It was an absolutely Live Creature of metal but it was the appearance of the very God beyond a shadow of a doubt.  The identification experience works that way. A short time ago for the first time in my life, I was honored with the chance to talk with Teacher Saint-Germain. It was an awesome experience and as a consequence – the occurrence of the new work reflecting that very image that I got in the testimony.