An author's album "Theurgical Art in the Epoch of the New Coming" is a synthesis of the Spiritual philosophy based on mysterial experience, and its expression by the means of fine arts.
This Album of the Theurgical Painting is a product of 25-year work of an esotericisist, and its exoteric effect.
The artist tried to show to the audience a system of Revelations which lead to a deeper comprehension of the Causality World, its influence upon all the spheres of our life as the World of effects of the Divine Presence and the Divine influence.
In January 2016 the third album by Alexandre Rekunenko, УArt as theurgy. Artistic documentation in spiritual practiceФ, has appeared. Theurgy, in theosophical sense, is the return into God, the fusion with God! Theurgic painting is one of the means of spiritual ascension and identification with a Holy image as a vehicle of energy, its vibration in the face, in the eyes reflecting the true psyche (Spirit-Soul).
The new album contains both paintings and drawings created over a many years' period of Spiritual practice of a theosophist working under the guidance of a True Energy Specialist and a Master of Wisdom Ц Lyudmila YakovlevnaReznik.
This set of meditative drawings reproduces the cosmic movement and an alternation of astrological programs through the face of the Highly Initiated Master in the state of a meditative ascension Ц Samadhi.